Google’s Helpful Content Update Could Be A Game Changer

Google’s Helpful Content Update Could Be A Game Changer

In this Article, We will talk about the new Google Helpful Content Update 2022.

Recently Google announced the launch of this update which will tackle the content that is primarily created for better ranking in search and earn revenue from Ads.

This update will ensure that the low-quality content generated using AI, or over-optimized for SEO and not that useful for the actual visitors will be removed from the search rankings.

According to Google, it will improve the search results related to online education, tech reviews, art, shopping, and entertainment content.

For example, if you search for tech product reviews on Google and you will find that all the website has the same type of reviews. Site owners are just copying reviews from other websites and don’t add their own perspectives on those topics.

In that case, Google will target those sites in this update and lower the ranking of those sites that are just copying Content from other sites without adding any additional value to the readers.

So, the main purpose of this new Google’s Helpful Content Update is to refine the search and show unique results.

More content by people, for people in Search” is the motto of this update. According to the official page

The helpful content update aims to better reward content where visitors feel they’ve had a satisfying experience, while content that doesn’t meet a visitor’s expectations won’t perform as well.

Google Search Console
Google Helpful Content Update
Google Helpful Content Update

Here are the guidelines that you should follow to counter this update and save your website from it.

Focus on building a targeted and specific audience.

Make sure you have enough experience on the topic you are writing on. Like you are reviewing a product or service then you should use that product and share your feedback from your experience.

Define the primary purpose of your content.

Cover the topic in-depth so that users don’t have to find the same query anywhere else.

Don’t post all sorts of topics or niches on a single website. For example, if your site cover health, technology, sports, finance, etc then will not get a better ranking. As Google can’t determine the purpose of the website and on which topic you are an expert in it. So, always publish content on a specific topic on a website, and the more specific the niche the chances of ranking in the search is higher.

Avoid creating content for search engines instead you should focus on solving the user’s problem. As user satisfaction is the most important ranking signal for Google.

Don’t unnecessarily increase the word count just for a better ranking in search. Always try to cover the topics in detail but that doesn’t mean you should unnecessarily stretch a short topic just to maintain some word count.

Don’t publish any content which you will not be sure about. For example, you are writing about an upcoming exam and the final date of the exam is not yet declared. If you still give the user date or promised a fake date or share content with insufficient information, in that case, your website may be affected by this “Helpful Content Update“.

This update will start rolling out on 25th August 2022 and may take two weeks for a complete rollout. So, be prepared for this update and make changes to your website according to the guidelines discussed above.

You can monitor Google’s search ranking updates page to see the timeline of this update and future updates from google.

Note: I recommend you to stop using AI generated low quality content and Remove your existing low-quality pages or make changes on those pages and provide real value to the readers.

Use Social Proof whenever possible to make the user believe the authority of this website and its authors. Improve your Internal Linking which is one of the Good SEO signals for Google. It helps the search engines to better understand the context of your entire website.

You can read the official documentation of this Helpful Content Update here.

You can also read more about the recently launched New Pros And Cons structured data here.

I would like to hear from you about this upcoming update. I would also love to hear; if your website has gained traffic or lost traffic. Do share your experience in the comment section. Till then you can follow me on Twitter to get the latest updates.

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One Comment

  1. Avatar of David Carter David Carter says:

    very good article concise and easy to read. Thank you.

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