Link Whisper Review – Best internal linking plugin in wordpress

Link Whisper Review – Best internal linking plugin in wordpress

Internal linking is an important aspect of SEO and user experience on a website. It helps search engines understand the structure and content of a site, and it helps users navigate and discover related content.

It also helps increase the authority of a website and rank better in SERPs. You will also get indexing benefits with proper internal linking.

Managing internal links on a large WordPress site can be a time-consuming and tedious task, especially if done manually. It’s important to ensure that links are relevant and up-to-date, but this can be difficult to maintain as the site grows.

Link Whisper is a plugin that helps automate the process of internal linking on WordPress. It suggests links based on content and keywords and makes it easy to add and manage links throughout the site. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what Link Whisper is and how it works.

What is Link Whisper?

Link Whisper is an internal linking plugin for WordPress that helps automate the process of adding and managing internal links on a website. It’s designed to be easy to use and saves time by suggesting links based on content and keywords.

link whisper plugin free

This plugin comes with both Free and Paid plans. In the free version, you will get very limited functionality and need to manually do the internal linking.

Some key features of Link Whisper include:

  • Suggesting relevant internal links based on content and keywords
  • Providing an overview of all outbound links on a site and their status (follow/nofollow)
  • Allowing users to easily add and manage internal links from a centralized interface
  • Offering advanced customization options, such as the ability to set custom link text and link attributes
  • The user interface of Link Whisper is straightforward and easy to use. It displays a list of pages and posts on the site, along with suggested internal links for each. Users can easily add and edit links from this interface.

Overall, Link Whisper is a useful Content Marketing tool for simplifying the process of internal linking on WordPress and improving the SEO and user experience of a website.

I have been using this plugin for about a year and I will share my review of this plugin and tell you if this plugin is the right fit for you or not.

How does Link Whisper work?

Link Whisper works by suggesting internal links based on content and keywords. It analyzes the pages and posts on a WordPress site and suggests relevant links to other pages or posts based on shared keywords and topics.

To add and manage internal links with Link Whisper, users simply need to go to the plugin’s interface, go to the “Links Report” tab and select the page or post they want to edit. From there, they can view the suggested internal links and decide which ones to add or remove.

Link Whisper dashboard

Link Whisper also offers advanced customization options, such as the ability to set custom link text and link attributes. This can be useful for optimizing the anchor text of internal links or adding nofollow tags to certain links.

Here, you can track the total number of internal links and external links added to your website, the number of orphaned posts, broken links, and 404 errors. You can also check the most linked domains from your website.

Overall, Link Whisper makes it easy for users to quickly and efficiently add and manage internal links on a WordPress site. It saves time by suggesting relevant links and offers advanced customization options for more advanced users.

Link Whisper Pricing

Link Whisper Pricing

The link whisper plugin has three pricing plans as shown in the above image.

  • 1 Site License – $77
  • 3 Site License – $117
  • 10 Site License – $167

In all plans, you will get updates for one year only and there is no lifetime plan available on this plugin. You can purchase the plans with both a credit card and Paypal.

Link Whisper vs. Other Internal Linking Plugins

Link Whisper is not the only internal linking plugin available for WordPress. Other popular options include:

  • RankMath SEO
  • Internal Link Juicer
  • Internal Links Manager

Each of these plugins has its own pros and cons, and the best choice will depend on the needs of the website and the preferences of the user.

For example, RankMath SEO is a well-known SEO plugin that includes an internal linking feature. It’s a comprehensive tool that offers a wide range of SEO-related features, but it may be more complex and feature-heavy than some users need.

Internal Link Juicer is a lightweight plugin that is easy to use and focuses solely on internal linking. It offers fewer customization options than Link Whisper, but may be a good choice for users who just need a basic internal linking solution.


Internal Links Manager is another lightweight plugin that is similar to Simple Internal Links in terms of features and ease of use. It’s a good option for users who want a simple internal linking solution without any extra bells and whistles.

In comparison, Link Whisper is a more comprehensive internal linking plugin that offers a balance of ease of use and advanced customization options. It’s a good choice for users who want a feature-rich internal linking solution for managing their internal linking.


Here are some potential frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Link Whisper, a popular internal linking plugin for WordPress:

To install Link Whisper, log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to Plugins > Add New. Search for “Link Whisper” and click “Install Now.” Once the plugin is installed, click “Activate” to start using it.

Link Whisper analyzes the content of your pages and posts and suggests relevant internal links based on shared keywords and topics. It uses artificial intelligence to identify potentially useful links and presents them to you for review.

Yes, Link Whisper allows you to customize the anchor text of internal links. This can be useful for optimizing the SEO value of your links or making them more descriptive for users.

Link Whisper is generally compatible with other WordPress plugins, but it’s always a good idea to test any new plugin on a staging site before deploying it on a live site.

Link Whisper is a premium plugin that requires a paid subscription. There is a free version available that allows you to try out the basic features of the plugin, but the full version is required to access all of the features and support.

Link Whisper is compatible with multilingual WordPress sites and supports multiple languages. However, it’s important to note that it only suggests links within the same language. If you have content in multiple languages on your site, you’ll need to set up separate Link Whisper configurations for each language.

Link Whisper is specifically designed for managing internal links within a WordPress site. It does not allow you to add or manage external links.

Link Whisper supports most types of WordPress content, including pages, posts, and custom post types. However, it may not be compatible with certain types of content, such as content that is not stored in the WordPress database (e.g. content generated by shortcodes).

Link Whisper is designed to work with large WordPress sites and can handle sites with thousands of pages and posts. It’s built to scale and can handle the increased workload without slowing down your site.

Yes, Link Whisper allows you to link to specific sections of a page or post by using anchor links. To do this, you’ll need to create an anchor link on the target page or post and then use the Link Whisper interface to add a link to that anchor.

Link Whisper does not directly support linking to images or other media files. However, you can use the plugin to add links to pages or posts that contain the images or media files you want to link to.

Yes, Link Whisper allows you to import and export your settings and links. This can be useful if you want to transfer your links to a new site or if you want to create a backup of your links in case something goes wrong.


In conclusion, Link Whisper is a top-rated internal linking plugin for WordPress that simplifies the process of adding and managing internal links on a website. It saves time by suggesting relevant links based on content and keywords and offers advanced customization options for more advanced users.

If you’re looking for an easy-to-use internal linking plugin that can help improve the SEO and user experience of your WordPress site, we recommend giving Link Whisper a try.

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  1. Avatar of Ali Asgar Attari Ali Asgar Attari says:


    I have been using the Internal Link Juicer WordPress plugin for internal linking. It lets you set keywords or key phrases for every blog post. Whenever that key phrase appears in any other blog post, an internal link is automatically added to the former blog post.

    This helps automate the process for free. But as shown in this article, Link Whisper suggests smart anchor texts or keywords, which seems useful. I’m sure it won’t hurt to use this plugin alongside the Link Juicer.

    Thanks for the post, Abhishek.

    Ali from Infoverses.

    1. Yes, I don’t Prefer Auto Internal linking as sometimes it will create unnecessary internal linking even if it is irrelevant and not related to the post. I prefer to see the suggestions given by the Link Whisper plugin and choose the relevant internal links.

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